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Arabian Days’ Entertainments


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ISBN : 9781619521483


Author : Translated from the German by Herbert Pelham Curtis


Pages : 430 pp


Year of Publishing : 2020


Binding : Hard Bound


Publisher : Impact Global Publishing Inc. USA

The Translator submits the following stories to the public, with a conviction that they will be found to afford amusement to a wide and very varied circle of readers. They are a connected series of tales, written for readers of a larger growth and mature intellect. The popularity attained by this collection of stories in Europe has been and still is immense, and it is believed that an examination will show this popularity to be well deserved. The work has been translated in several languages of the world. Three or four of these stories, only, have already appeared in this country in sundry magazines; but it is thought that the present is the only complete and perfect translation of them which has ever been made in any language.

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