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Manuscript Submission Guidelines
The following information gives advice and instructions on preparing a chapter or book and submitting it to us.
It is important that you adhere to the information on this page to ensure your manuscript is prepared and submitted to us correctly so that we are able to process and publish the book efficiently and on time.
Important Note
Authors must not send any material which is irreplaceable. We do not return any material related to the manuscript after the publications of the book. So please keep a copy of the entire material before sending it to us. No correspondence for return of any material so related shall be entertained.
Authors must provide us with a COPYRIGHT AFFIDAVIT. The completed and signed form must accompany the final manuscript. No work on the proposed book shall be started in the absence of this form from the author.
Format & Layout
• The manuscript should be prepared in Microsoft Word.
• Text should use 1.5pt line-spacing.
• Punctuation and spelling must follow standard English practice. The use of either British or American English is acceptable, but must be used consistently.
• SI units and symbols must be used.
• If there are abbreviations used in the book, please provide a LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS before the Preface starts.
• Please provide a LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS, if the books has any of them.
• Please provide a LIST OF DIAGRAMS, if the books has any of them
• Please provide a LIST OF TABLES, if the books has any of them
• Units should be presented in inverse style (eg m s-1 and not m/s).
Chapter Abstract
Each chapter will need a chapter abstract. The abstract is very important in promoting the book content. The abstract:
• should be a single paragraph of 50–200 words, briefly summarising the chapter
• will be present only in the eBook version of the book, and not the print book
• must not contain any reference citations or figures.
• The chapter text should be divided into sections with headings, as appropriate.
• All main words within a heading should be capitalised.
• No full point is needed at the end of a heading.
• Acknowledgement and reference sections should be at the end of the chapter, and these headings are not numbered.
• Headings should be numbered as follows (where X is the chapter number).
o X Chapter Title
o X.1 Main Section Heading
o X.1.1 Sub Section Heading
o X.1.1.1 Lower Sub Section Heading
• Figures should be supplied as TIFF files, with a resolution of 600 dpi or greater and at a final size of 20 x 12 cm.
• Photographs should be provided at the best resolution available (minimum 600 dpi) as TIFF files.
• Figures should be supplied ready for printing, without further retouching or redrawing.
• Figures should be adequately labelled, and this must remain legible after reduction.
• Over-large schemes or blocks of structures will be reduced to fit the page so you will need to ensure that detail is not lost in reduction – for example, make sure that lines are thick enough to be visible after reduction.
• Figures must be cited in the text. The recommended location of a figure to appear should be indicated as follows:
[Figure X.1 near here]
o Figures taken from internet sites are not usually of reproducible quality, and may also be copyright protected; the original authors should be contacted for a suitable file and permission.
o Figures should all be submitted as separate files and not embedded in the typescript.
Colour Figures
Your contract will state whether the use of colour is allowed in the printed book or not.
In the eBook version, any figures supplied in colour will appear in colour, regardless of whether the printed book is in colour or black and white. However, the same figure captions will be used in both the print and electronic version so refrain from mentioning colour in the caption.
• Tables should be supplied in Word format.
• Do not supply tables as images or in Excel, or PDF
• Tables should be single-line spaced.
• Footnotes in tables should be self-contained, labelled with superior lower-case letters, and listed as a block of text beneath the table.
• The table must be cited in the text.
• The approximate location of a table to appear should be indicated as follows: [Table X.5 near here]
• All figures and tables should have a caption.
• Items should be numbered as X.1, X.2, etc consecutively throughout the chapter.
• Items should be referred to by their number in the text. Do not use phrases such as ‘in the figure above’ as the final placement of items may change during typesetting.
• If a figure has been previously published, the correct copyright information must be included in the caption as stipulated by the copyright holder.
• When writing the caption for a figure, please bear in mind that a figure may be black and white in the print book but appear in the electronic book in colour, so the caption must make sense for both situations. Your contract will state if the use of colour is allowed in the printed book or not.
• A separate list of all figure and table captions should appear at the beginning of the book as described above.
• These should be set in Mathtype (or Word Equation Editor, where Mathtype is unavailable).
• They should be displayed on a separate line in the main text.
• They should be numbered consecutively throughout each chapter ((X.1), (X.2) etc) in parentheses at the right-hand side of the page.
• Symbols for variables and physical constants should be italicised.
• Matrices and vectors should appear in bold.
Submitting a manuscript
Large File Transfer system
Our Large File Transfer (LFT) system provides a secure means to upload large files.
As soon as you are ready to submit the final and complete manuscript, we’ll send you a link to the LFT. This link will have an expiry date so please do let us know if you’re not ready to send the typescript in.
All the folders for the book should all be zipped into one complete zip file before uploading. If the zip file exceeds the 1 GB limit then please split into two or send chapter by chapter.
How to create a zip file
In Windows Explorer, navigate to where the folders are that you want to zip; select all the folders. Right-click on the highlighted files, and select ‘Send to’ followed by ‘Compressed (zipped) folder’.
In OSX, navigate to where the folders are that you want to zip; select all the folders. Right-click on the highlighted files, and select ‘Compress Items’.
Cover of the Book
• You are free to send us any number of pictures or suggestions for designing the cover of the book. These should be in TIFF format with maximum possible resolution.
• Do not take pictures from the web as these are not production worthy and may also be copyright material which when detected can have serious copyright complications – including monetary and penal.
• You must have proper permission to use any picture from its original copyright owner.
• If you are buying an image from a web site, then a copy of the receipt must accompany your manuscript.
• You must send us a small write-up explaining the key features of the book, which shall be used as the “blurb” on the cover. For reference see any hardback book and notice the matter on the inside flap of the cover.
Please write to us in very brief manner if there is any clarification needed in addition to the suggestions and tips given here.