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Tribes and Castes of the North-Western India
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ISBN : 9788170206583
Volumes : Set in 4 Volumes
Author : Willam, C.
Pages : 2100 pp
Year of Publishing : 1975
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Category: Art, Architecture & Antiquities
Tags: C., INDIA, North-Western, Tribes and Castes, Willam
There are very few questions within the whole sphere of Indian Sociology which presents more difficulty than those connected with the origin of Caste. The origin and development of Caste in India is such a complex and fascinating subject that a number of scholars have gone deep into the subject.
The present masterly work so far differs from any previous account of the Races of India that, it attempts to supply detailed information regarding the origin & development of Caste from the Vedic times and its relevance to the laws of Manu. The learned author gives us a thorough and complete picture of all the tribes and castes inhabiting this vast track of North Western India with their Customs, Manners, Marriage and death ceremonies & religious institutions. He tackles each tribe and caste & gives its origin from ancient times with all their customs etc; The present work becomes all the more interesting and important as the caste in India is undergoing a process of transition at present & it will be of immense interest to the Ethnologists, Anthropologists, Sociologists and students of popular religion. A comprehensive chapter is devoted to Anthrometry & classification of these tribes. This monumental work which is in four volumes is a masterpiece in the field of social anthropology. It gives in an alphabetical form all the tribes and castes inhabiting this region which includes the Himalayan districts of Kumaon and Garhwal etc.
The publishers feel pleasure in issuing this third study under the Native Races of India series. With the reprint of this work a new dimension is added to the aims of continuing an active and diverse publishing programme in this area of research and study.