Mural or Monumental Decoration
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ISBN : 9788130716374
Author : Thomas, W. C.
Pages : 360 pp; illus
Year of Publishing : 2020
Binding : Hardback
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
In order to save students the trouble and loss of time incidental to searching for and consulting scattered authorities, a body of trustworthy information will be found here collected, and arranged upon those processes which have been more or less used in Mural or Monumental Decoration, viz., Fresco, Encaustic, Water-glass, Mosaic, and Oil-Painting ; information too, which it is hoped will prove not altogether uninteresting to the general reader. The author having studied Fresco-painting in Munich under the direction of Professors Cornelius and Hess, was enabled to furnish the Royal Commission on the Fine Arts with information on that special process, which was, together with other materials, carefully supervised by its Hon. Secretary the late Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, and printed and published in the Commissioners’ Reports. It may be recollected that the Royal Commission on the Fine Arts was instituted for the special purpose of promoting and encouraging a more extended practice of mural painting in this country.