Tribes and Government Policies
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ISBN : 9788170207528
Author : Bhandari, I. S. & Channa, S.M.
Pages : 200 pp
Year of Publishing : 1999
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
This book is about the tribal people who lived a life of freedom and self-respect, till the lands of their ancestors and the abode of their spirits were invaded both physically and ideologically by the forces of colonization and industrialization and the formation of the post World War Nation States. These states, whether colonial or otherwise had to develop certain polices to handle the people who, most often on their own, refused to have anything to do with the state power imposed on them.
Both in India and in the rest of world, the relationship between the state and the indigenous people, most of them with distinct ethnic and political identities has not been an easy one. From sheer coercion and condescending attitudes, state power have varied in their approach to the people but the ultimate aim has always been their usurpation with the larger Nations and a subjugation of their resource.
The present book brings together the views and analysis of a large number of distinguished scholars on the subject of Government policies with respect to tribes. These scholars speak as tribals and non-tribals, and as policy makers and critiques of them.
A number of issues of national and international importance and controversy such as the Narmada project, the Bailadila Mines, the successive Five year plans, Nehru’s Panchsheel, ethnic problems o the people’s republic off China and the erstwhile U.S.S.R.; the American Indians, etc; to name only a few, have been taken up in this volumes.
In its range and scope it will interest all scholars of anthropology, sociology, tribal history and all who are involved with formulation and implementation of development projects, planners, administrators and students.
About the Authors
Prof. J.S. BHANDARI, is at present the seniormost faculty member of the Department of Anthropology, Delhi University, as well as the erstwhile Head of that department. He is a distinguished social anthropologist well known for his works on the North-Eastern region of India, as well as the Garhwal region, being an expert on the ethnography of these regions. He specializes in the field of kinship as well as tribal studies. He is an advisor to the Ministry of Welfare (Tribal Division) as well as the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation on matters relating to Indian tribes. He is author off one book on the Mishing Tribe of Assam and a large number of distinguished articles and research pape
Dr. SUBHDRA MITRA CHANNA is Reader, at the Department of Anthropology, Delhi University. She has published three books and large number of scholarly pape Her specialization is in the field of economic behaviour, religion, ecology and gender studies. She has special interest in the scheduled castes and under privileged.