Savaras of Mancotta.
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ISBN : 9788170202073
Author : R. K. Kar
Pages : 256 pp
Year of Publishing : 1981
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Categories: Eastern India, History & Historical Studies, Indian Regional Studies, Sociology & Anthropology
Tags: Mancotta, R. K. Kar, Tea Industry
This is probably the first attempt to write a full fledged monograph exclusively on the Savaras of Mancotta the tea plantation tribal community. The Savaras of Mancotta-study in kinship and tribilism is a penetrating analysis of the interrelationship between the religious forces and the traditional socio-political system on the one side and the recent changes that have taken place, among the Savaras, one of the most important tea growing tribe, on the other side. The impact of the outside forces on this tribe and its kinship and community has been studied and analyzed by Dr. Kar in depth.
The author’s attempt is to trace the undercurrents of social necessities which helped to evolve this society to its present form. The author’s concern is to place a primitive society, faced with modernity, in vide view of the scholar. The author discusses in details the Social. Institutions, clan, family, Kinship, community plans, religion, clanship, formation of socio plans and setting of the tribe etc. The publishers feel pleasure in issuing the first major socio-Anthropological study on the religion, trabalism and political system among the Savaras.