Practical Police Work
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ISBN : 9788130718415
Author : J. J. Skehan
Pages : 362 pp
Year of Publishing : 2020
Binding : Hardback
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Category: Crime, Criminology, & Policing
The aim of this volume is four-fold to collect within the covers of a single book the vast and varied amount of miscellaneous matter, having any degree of permanency, which constitute the sum total of essential police knowledge; to instruct policeman on how to use and apply their acquired knowledge; to present facts simply and clearly and give the law without the use of legal language which clouds the meaning.
The authors have had large experience in teaching and examining policemen and are familiar with their defects and perfections. One of these defects is a disposition to look for minor errors and to draw fine technical distinctions.
Of far more importance is the assembling and classification of information, the memorizing of facts and the drawing of correct conclusions. In these matters the book will be of more help to policemen than any other work available; that it contains more useful police knowledge than is otherwise obtainable handily, we expect the reader to discover for himself. It is issued solely on account of the information it contains.