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Kaula and Other Upanishads
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ISBN : 9788130719078
Author : Arthur Avalon
Year of Publishing : 2020
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Categories: Hinduism & Hindu Studies, Scriptures & Sacred Books of Hindus, Tantra
Edited by
Sitarama Shastri
With Introduction by Arthur Avalon
The Upanishads published in this volume belong, with the exception of the Aruna and the Bahvricha, to the Saubhagya Kanda of the Atharva Veda. Some reader may ask why they are published in this series of Tantrik Texts seeing that they are not Tantras ; nor can they be called (as some might do) Tantrik Upanishads for there does not exist any such thing. To the followers of the Agama Upanishad is Upanishad and of authority as Shruti and not a Tantrik or otherwise qualified Upanishad. In fact the adjective Tantrik is largely a western term. In the Suta Samhiti (I. 5. 4.) the expression “Tantriki” is used as a form of worship distinguished from the Vedik form in ritualistic details. The verse, where the expression occurs, says that Para Shakti may be worshipped according to Vedik or Tantrik rites according to the Adhikara of the worshipper. A follower of the Agama calls himself an Agama-vadi, Kaula, Shakta, Shaiva and so forth. The Tantras are a recognised part of the scriptures of that which is generally called “Hinduism.” The Suta Samhita … says the Puranas are of authority in the same way as the different Agamas (Kamika &c.) The commentator speaks of the Agamas as of equal authority with Shruti {Skrutisamya) and he further says that for a full understanding of the Vedanta it is necessary to know among other scriptures the Agama.
The Upanishads here published are accorded a place in this series because they contain doctrine and practice of and are referred to as authority by the Agamavadins.