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ISBN : 9788130717524
Author : Kak & Shastri
Pages : 446 pp
Year of Publishing : 2020
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Unlike the Agamas, the Gandharva Tantra begins with the two stanzas, one of salutation to the Elephant-god and the other of benediction invoking the protection of the Goddess Kundalini. This fact in itself reveals that the Tantra must be more or less modern. The tradition regarding the appearance of the Tantra is that the rival sage Vishvamitra, being envious of the prophetic powers of Vasishtha, performs a difficult penance. Failing even thereby to obtain equality with Vasishtha he goes to the North and implores the help of Dattatreya who consoles him and reveals the Gandharva Tantra which he has heard from Nandikeshvara. The tantra is in the form of a dialogue between Shiva and Parvati.
1st Chapter
It begins with the question from Parvati about Brahman, Yoga and the Body. Shiva defines the Brahman only.
2nd Chapter
In this Parvati requests Shiva to remove the doubts referred to in the first Patala regarding the Shakti lore.
3rd Chapter
In the third Patala Shiva reveals the Panchami Vidya which consists of five Kutas.
4th Chapter
In this Patala is given the Kavacha of Rajarajeshvari called Trailokyamohana.
5th Chapter
In this Shiva describes the way in which the Shrichakra is to be drawn and the different deities are to receive their worship in the nine component parts of Shrichakra.
6th Chapter
In the sixth Patala Shiva, in reply to the query made by Parvati regarding the third form of worship, gives in detail instructions for the guidance of the practitioner.
7th Chapter
In the above is given the way in which the devotee of Mahatripurasundari is to purify his body and perform the Sandhya.
8th Chapter
The eighth chapter describes the sacrificial altar and the way in which the practitioner should bow to the presiding deities of the quarters and other deities such as Ganesha, Ksetrapala etc.
9th Chapter
In the ninth chapter is given the Matrikanyasa.
10th Chapter
In the 10th Patala the sixfold Nyasa of Shrividya as consisting of those of Ganesha, planets, constellations, Yoginis, signs of Zodiac and Pitha is described.
11th Chapter
In the 11th Patala are described first the Nyasa of (1) Asana, (2) Vasinyadivagdevata, (3) Mulanga, (4) Navayoni, (5) Chaturvyuha, (6) Tattvanyasa, (7) Mulavidya, and (8) Sammohana.
12th Chapter
In the 12th Patala the mental offering of worship and the mental approach to and unification with Mahatripurasundari are at length described.
13th Chapter
In this stress is laid first of all on the actual realization of the unity between the worshipper and the worshipped.
14th Chapter
The 14th Patala deals with the worshipping of Kameshvari.
15th Chapter
The 15th chapter describes the things to be offered in worship. These are Asana, Padya, Arghya, Achamana, Madhuparka, Snana, Vastra, Bhushana, Gandha, Anjana, Pushpa, Dhupa, Dipa, and Naivedya.
16th Chapter
Sixteenth Patala is devoted to the description of the offering, such as, drink and food and of the way and varieties of salutation.
17th Chapter
In the 17th Patala worship, in the nine component parts of Shrichakra, of the attendant deities classified under nine categories technically called Prakatayoginis etc.
18th Chapter
The 18th chapter gives a detailed description of Japa.
19th Chapter
In the 19th chapter worship and offerings to Vatuka, Yoginis, Kshetrapala and Ganesha are described.
20th Chapter
In this Shoshika is described at length.
21st Chapter
In the above the last rites of worship are described.
22nd Chapter
This chapter describes the duties of a Sadhaka.
23rd Chapter
This describes the importance of worshipping the girls, their prescribed ages and the way in which they are to be worshipped.
24th Chapter
It describes the importance and fruit of offering worship to the girls and the Prayaschitta or penance, that is to be done by the devotee when he misses performance of daily worship.
25th Chapter
This chapter is devoted to the description of the sacred spots in India and the merits that a devotee gains by offering worship in these places.
26th Chapter
It deals with Diksha or initiation.
27th Chapter
This also is devoted to the description of initiation.
28th Chapter
In this are given the instructions regarding Purashcharana which is necessary for obtaining success in the mantra.
29th Chapter
In the above the practitioner is instructed to mutter the mantra of Devi with his wife at the time of midnight.
30th Chapter
The three parts of the incantation of Devi known by the terms Vagbhava, Kamaraja and Shakti together with the Hamsa-mantra are described in this chapter.
31st Chapter
This chapter gives the details regarding the Homa or sacrifice.
32nd Chapter
How a particular ring is to be prepared and how the same is to be worn by the worshipper of Devi are mentioned in this chapter.
33rd Chapter
This chapter deals with the invocation of the presence of Devi.
34th Chapter
In this the reader finds the details given about the worship of Devi as done by the follower of Kulachara.
35th Chapter
The worship of Devi through the medium of a lady forms the subject-matter of this chapter.
36th Chapter
In this chapter the follower of Kulachara is instructed to have his wife initiated like himself by his own teacher who is to treat her as his own daughter.
37th Chapter
This chapter relates how the things which have been rejected by the followers of the Vedas can be used by a Tantrik worshipper in a particular manner so as to gain success in worship.
38th Chapter
In this Shiva says that the Devi feels satisfied not so much with the mental worship as with the physical.
39th Chapter
This chapter sets forth that spirit and matter are the two eternal principles.
40th Chapter
In this Shiva and Parvati change positions. Shiva becomes the questioner and Parvati the replier.
41st Chapter
In the above explanation of the Anuttara or the Transcendental Self comes first.
42nd Chapter
This closes the book and deals with the description of the physiological and spiritual phenomena as known to the experts in the Tantrika lore.