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Examination Reforms
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ISBN : 8130702673
Author : B. Bhushan
Pages : 450 pp
Year of Publishing : 2006
Binding : Paperback
Publisher : Indigo Books
Categories: Education, Education Textbooks, Indian Education, INDIGO BOOKS, School Education, Management & Leadership, Sociology of Education
Indian examination system is in a quandary. Many maladies have vitiated it. Experts, teachers, students and scholars – all agree that it needs to be overhauled. Concerted efforts by the Government of India and the UGC, have defined significant change. Complaints of cribbing, cheating, mass copying and of discrepancies in the marking of the examiners are not uncommon. New policy on Education (1992) envisages certain strategies to reform examination system. It is a happy augury that in the light of the new policy on education, the present volume brings out and illustrates in a perspicuous and unique style the policies and innovations for improving and reforming the present defective system of examination. A systematic methodology has been developed for understanding and solving the complex problem of measuring the abilities of the examinees. Some of the experimentally verified innovations could go a long way to improve the examinations in the institutions of higher learning. The vivid description of the dynamics of examination and research experiments in the area has come out with insightful and compatible models for removing the discrepancies existing in the examinations at the university level. The book is unique and thought provoking and would prove helpful to the teachers, parents, policy planners and schola It would help the Indian universities to formulate broad based policies on examinations for the 21st century. It has functional relevance to the examination committees which are formulating the policies related to examination reform in various universities.