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Encyclopaedia of Languages of the World
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ISBN : 9788130715285
Volumes : Set in 4 Volumes
Author : Mario E. Pie
Pages : 1600 pp
Year of Publishing : 2012
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Categories: Encyclopaedias, & Major Works, Language and Linguistics
The study of language, as a science in itself, has attracted, so far, but very little attention in many countries of the world. Indeed, it would be quite impossible for the student, however great his interest in the subject might be, to find the means with which to prosecute his inquiries. There are very few works which are devoted exclusively to this subject — we know of not a single general or comprehensive work similar to the one before the reader; nor do the works of English authors present us with anything like a complete view of the subject. There is, then, a want, which is every day felt, of a work which shall give a fair view of the present state of philological science, which shall initiate the inquiring student into the mysteries of language, and inform him of its wonders and its beauties, of a work which shall be complete in itself, and which shall not imply anything else than a knowledge of the English and a disposition on the part of the learner to study and reflect, a work which shall be simple and plain enough for anybody to read, and yet thorough and philosophical enough for even the experienced philologist to study with advantage. It is to be hoped that this may be found the work desired. No effort, no expense, has been spared by the authors to render this work deserving of the attention and confidence of the student, and to make it complete, accurate, and intelligible. The most important part of the whole work is the comparative view of the history and idioms of the principal languages of the world. It is believed that nothing can so well instruct us in the true nature of language, as the manner in which the different classes of people, or nations, express their ideas. Here, the selections have been very copious, and no pains have been spared to render their character and meaning easily understood. The subject of Etymology has, also, been thoroughly treated of, and the rules by which we may trace the connexion of words, have been carefully set forth. The large lists of words under this head must prove very instructive to anyone who carefully examines them. The main object of the work has been to present a comparative view of the different languages of the world, and, besides, such facts as would best instruct the student in the nature of language. But, to make the work complete, we have some-times felt it necessary to discuss, philosophically, some of the questions in philology.