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Encyclopaedia of Islamic Philosophy
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ISBN : 9781619520042
Volumes : Set in 12 Volumes
Author : Edited by M. TH. Houtsma, T.W. Arnold, R. Basset and R. Hartmann
Pages : 4000 pp
Year of Publishing : 2019
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Impact Global Publishing Inc. USA
Categories: Encyclopaedias, & Major Works, IMPACT GLOBAL PUBLISHING INC. USA, Islam & Islamic Studies, Philosophy & Religion
Encylopaedia of Islamic Philosophy draws material from the classical period of Islamic scholarship with entries from some of the leading writers of the time. These writers created some of the earliest works on Islam in European languages and were responsible for introducing the European an English-speaking world to the richness and diversity of Islamic thought and culture. That most of these works are either out of print or have become very rare to find is the reason for bringing such excellent writings in this Encyclopaedia. The writings would satisfy both the scholar and the educated layman as they are sufficiently comprehensive but in an easy-to-comprehend language. The reference work is designed to be an introduction to more comprehensive endevour in the understanding of Islamic philosophy and religion.
The entries have been chosen carefully to cover most of the issues concerning Islamic philosophy, its religion and traditions, including mysticism. The readers will be delighted at the biblio-graphical material available in most of the entries, especially as they include references to the books and writings of the eighteenth, nineteenth, and the early twentieth century.