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Encyclopaedia of History of Philosophical Systems
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ISBN : 9781619520110
Volumes : Set in 10 Volumes
Author : Vergilius Ferm
Pages : 3700 pp
Year of Publishing : 2020
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Impact Global Publishing Inc. USA
Categories: Encyclopaedias, & Major Works, IMPACT GLOBAL PUBLISHING INC. USA, Philosophy, Philosophy & Religion, Subject Philosophies
There are already many excellent works on the history of philosophy. In justification of another reference work, it may be pointed out that this one has been planned on different lines: a cooperative work by many minds and with an emphasis upon periods of thought and upon broad characterizations of schools and systems. Those who have joined in this venture are specially qualified in the particular field or subject upon which they have written. Invited to participate by reason of the special study each has given to his subject in which he has already gained reputation among professional philosophers or by reason of courses he is now giving in the particular subject in college, university or graduate-school, each author gives to his article the weight of mature thought and authority. It is becoming increasingly clear that no one historian can be expected to deal with the specialization of scholarship in bringing to light fresh data and interpretations and in view of the many ramifications of the complicated subject-matter. Philosophers like all research-specialists turn to definite arcas for study and a history of so vast a field must take into consideration the results of this scholarship. A cooperative volume thus justifies itself. By “System” is here meant the general trend or course of thought of a particular time, school or group of thinkers. While references, of course, are made to classical and less-well-known names of the philosophical hierarchy with attention paid to their individual thought, the main purpose of the volume is to direct attention not to the thinkers as such but to the main patterns of thought represented by them and their school. Each writer has had in mind plain exposition rather than a defense of some particular view at the expense of it. This is historical writing as it should be.