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Encyclopaedia of History of Education
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ISBN : 817755090x
Volumes : Set in 4 Volumes
Author : Paul Monroe
Pages : 1250 pp
Year of Publishing : 2000
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Categories: Education, Encyclopaedias, & Major Works, History of Education, Reference & Major Works
Throughout history societies have sought to educate their people to produce goods and services, to respond effectively and creatively to their world, and to satisfy their curiosity and aesthetic impulses. To achieve any of these objectives people need to acquire reliable knowledge and to think systematically. Over the course of human history education has appeared in many forms, both formalized and informal. Major thinkers have always recognized the educational value of intellectual exploration and of concrete experimentation. Most societies have attempted to standardize the behaviour of their membe Teachers have worked within schools of thought, cults, monasteries, and other types of organizations to shape desired convictions, knowledge, and behaviour. Such philosophical and religious leaders as the Buddha, Confucius, Pythagoras, Jesus Christ, Moses, Mohammed, and Karl Marx instructed their disciples through informal organizations. The International Encyclopaedia of History of Education is the result of the cooperative efforts of several hundred specialists, who have here contributed the results of their study to the systemization of ideas and practices related to History of education. That no such vastly comprehensive and complete encyclopaedia has ever appeared is the justification for this project. This work represents the product of long investigation on the part of most of the contributors, and is the immediate outcome of several years of special efforts on the part of the editon. Three conditions indicate clearly the need of such a work. First the vast and varied character of educational literature, indicative of a corresponding variety of educational ideas and practices. Second, the growing importance of education as a social process, and Third, the great numerical strength of the teaching profession and its rapidly changing personnel. The vast and growing literature indicates not only a vigorous interest in educational problems and practices, but is evidence also of an equally great diversity in view and practices. It is evident that the rank and file of the teaching profession are hopelessly lost in the maze of material, and that some guidance is necessary even to those most thoroughly prepared to seek for the sanest ideas and the soundest practice. The Encyclopaedia of History of Education provides a systematic review of educational history-related knowledge world wide. This new and extensive international reference work contains a wealth of information on a wide range of topics. Developed form the world famous International Encyclopaedia of Education, this four volume set, contains articles drawn from the parent encyclopaedia which have been significantly updated. In addition there are may new articles dealing with important contemporary issues in this field. The Encyclopaedia of History of Education is organized alphabetically and will serve the practical needs of government of general public as well as the scholarly interest of professors, students and researche The entries have a common broad structure which will enhance cross-national comparison and International learning. This set is an important and necessary addition to every personal or reference library concerned with educational enquiry.