Dictionary of Tibetan and English Language
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ISBN : 8170201012
Author : Faiz-L-Ali
Pages : 672 pp
Year of Publishing : 1979
Binding : Hardbound
The present work is a careful collection of words from the standard Persian authors. It has for its basis the well-known works of Johnson, Richardson, and all other modern and classic authorities which are in use at the present day. Author’s lifelong study and 34 years’ experience as a teacher of Persian, Arabic, and Urdu, afforded him an opportunity of picking up such words and phrases as are of frequent occurrence in classical and modern Persian literature, and of carefully dispensing with those expressions and phrases which unnecessarily increase the size of a volume, and offer no adequate benefit to the learners. The author has excluded those words which were recently introduced into the language from foreign sources, and which were of questionable authority.