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ISBN : 9788129203571
Author : J. Kilner Walter
Pages : 400 pp
Year of Publishing : 2020
Binding : Paperback
Publisher : Indigo Books
Categories: Alternate Medicine & Healing, INDIGO BOOKS, Occult, Esoteric & New Age
In 1911, Kilner published one of the first western medical studies of the “Human Atmosphere” or Aura, proposing its existence, nature and possible use in medical diagnosis and prognosis. In its conviction that the human energy field is an indicator of health and mood, Kilner’s study resembles the later work of Harold Saxton Burr. However, while Burr relied upon voltmeter readings, Kilner, working before the advent of semiconductor technology, attempted to invent devices by which the naked eye might be trained to observe “auric” activity which, he hypothesised, was probably ultra violet radiation, stating that the phenomena he saw were not affected by electromagnets. According to his study, Kilner and his associates were able, on many occasions, to perceive auric formations, which he called the Etheric Double, the Inner Aura and the Outer Aura,extending several inches from patients’ naked bodies, and his book gave instructions by which the reader might construct and use similar goggles.
Walter John Kilner, M.D. B.A., M.B. (Cantab.) M.R.C.P., etc. (1847–1920) was a medical electrician at St. Thomas Hospital, London. There, from 1879 to 1893, he was in charge of electrotherapy. He was also in private medical practice, in Lad broke Grove, London. He wrote papers on a range of subjects but is today best remembered for his late study The Human Atmosphere. In 1883 he became a Member of the Royal College of Physicians.