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Ancient Geography of India

The Buddhist Period including the Campaigns of Alexander, and The Travels of Hwen-Thsang. With Thirteen Maps.


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ISBN : 9788130706199


Author : Alexander Cunningham


Pages : 527 pp


Year of Publishing : 2007


Binding : Paperback


Publisher : Indigo Books

Cunningham’s Ancient Indian Geography is a standard treatise on Indian geography, and is an indispensible handbook for those who are interested in Indian Antiquities. First publishes in 1871, the book has not been suspended and remains a classic.
Sir Alexander Cunnigham (1861-1893) was the first Archaeological Surveyor to the Government of Indian (1861-1865). The department was abolished in 1865, but revived in 1870, with Cunningham as Director; he held the post until he retired in 1885.

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