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Yoga Made Easy

Desmond Dunne Principle, The Insight School Of Yoga


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ISBN : 8129202574


Author : Desmond Dunne


Pages : 210 pp


Year of Publishing : 2008


Binding : Paperback


Publisher : Indigo Books

SKU: COSY006 Categories: ,

Yoga is an ancient health-art developed and perfected over the centuries by the Sages and Wise Men of ancient Indian. Yoga is not a religion, a metaphysical doctrine, or a philosophy. It is not magic or mysticism either.

For thousands of years the Yogis of India have used the simple, reasonable principles of Yoga to regain the zest and enthusiasm and good health of their youth, to preserve into middle age the clear-thinking and sound physique of manhood, and to continue enjoying even in old age the resilience, healthfulness, and well-being of their younger years. Yoga can take years off your face and years from your body – and add years to your life.

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