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Treatment of Love in Sanskrit Literature


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ISBN : 9788170206873


Author : De, S. K.


Pages : 190 pp


Year of Publishing : 1988


Binding : Hardbound


Publisher : Cosmo Publications

It is not indeed, until one comes to what is known as the classical period of Sanskrit Literature that one finds Love-poetry blooming in its fullness and it was this poetry which redeemed and vindicated the claims of women as an object of divinely inspired passion. From its very dawn love had established itself as one of its dominant themes.
The earliest Indian poems, which give a passimate expression to the emotion of love, are to be found in two so-called Vedic ballads in Rig-Veda. In Vedic Texts, we have a foreshadowing of the personification of love in the figure of a deity which became conspicuous in later literature.
It is unfortunate, however, that neither Pali Literature nor the epics have preserved any complete poem of the erotic type. The book is the first attempt to give a systematic treatment of the subject.
The book should appeal to everyone connected with the Sanskrit Literature in particular and Indology, Mythology and Hinduism in general. A welcome edition for the scholars, students as well as the general reader.

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