Statistics in Psychology and Education
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ISBN : 9788130701363
Author : H. E. Garrett
Pages : 332 pp
Year of Publishing : 2005
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Category: Art, Architecture & Antiquities
Tags: Education, H. E. Garrett, psychology, social sciences, Statistics
The present day emphasis on measurement and quantitative treatment of results has made a knowledge of statistical methods not only extremely useful but almost necessary to the student of psychology, education, and social sciences.
To those who have been well trained in mathematics, the acquisition of statistical techniques offer no particular difficulty. To many otherwise capable students, however, either because of inadequate preparation in mathematics, or because their preparation is not very recent, the application of statistical method to data obtained from test and experiment is more than ordinarily difficult.
It is for this group of students that this book has been especially written. Its primary purpose is to present the subject in a simple and concise form understandable to those who have no previous knowledge of statistical method. The book, says R. S. Woodworth of Columbia University, “…is the product of genuine teacher’ experience, and is exceptionally well adapted to the student’s use. To an unusual degree, it succeeds in meeting the student upon his own ground.”