Social Change Among the Nagas (Tangkhul)
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ISBN : 9788170205715
Author : K. Ruivah
Pages : 265 pp
Year of Publishing : 1993
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Category: Art, Architecture & Antiquities
Tags: K. Ruivah, NAGAS, Social, Social Change Among the Nagas, Tangkhul
This book is a record of an intensive and sustained field investigation among Tangkhul NAGAS.
The author has discussed the factors bringing about socio-cultural change as well as the dynamics of change. Background information about the Tangkhuls, their society, culture and value system have been recorded along with a discussion on the various aspects of their sociopolitical institutions followed by a lucid analysis of the emergent changes and their reflection on the modern Tangkhul Socio-Political scenarieos, particularly after its contacts with the Missionary and modern civilization.
This book is a distinctive contribution to the advancement of our knowledge about the Tangkhuls and their socio-cultural in institutions. It gains added significance by the fact that the ethnographer is well acquainted with the local dialects, a knowledge of which is most essential in order to go deep into the socio-cultural ethos of the people, besides fully understanding the intricacies of the ever changing society.
The ethnographer has well achieved his objective as evidenced by the richness of the data and the critical analysis of the materials at disposal.
The author being himself a Tangkhul has never lost sight of the problems and aspirations of the Tangkhuls themselves. This makes the discussion more life like and real. It appears that this insiders approach has added dignity and life to the rich ethnographic data hitherto unknown to the social scientists.