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Satsaiya of Bihari
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ISBN : 9788177557701
Author : Lallan Lal Kavi
Pages : 370 pp
Year of Publishing : 2002
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Categories: Bhagavad Gita & Sri Krishna, Hinduism & Hindu Studies, Literature, Sanskrit Literature (Texts, Translations & Studies)
Tags: Bihari, Krishna, Lala Chandrika, Lallan Lal Kavi, religion, Satsaiya
So wondrous is this book that I have read no less than eighteen commentaries upon it, and yet am not surfeited. People call it an akŸara-kàmadhènu, or Wishing-cow of Syllables, and, in good sooth, each syllable of it can yield all desires. Siva-siôha, in his Saròja.
George A. Grierson in his extensive Introduction to the work writes, “Bihari’s Satsaì is a collection of seven hundred couplets; each having no connection with its neighbors, and all bound together by the string of community of sentiment. The first five hundred and ninety have this much in common, that they deal with love, not the love which we colder-blooded inhabitants of the northern clime understand by the term, but the hot, lusty, sexual passion of a sun-born oriental nation. But again, the subject matter of these six hundred and ninety stanzas is religion religion of the most ardent and genuine description. Throughout all these couplets the hero is the God Krishna, and his amours with the herd-maidens of Gokùla, and especially with the fair Ràdhà.
The value of the book is greatly enhanced by the inclusion of Làla-candrikà, which remained, for a number of years, a standard text-book for the formal study of Sanskrit.