Rajiv Gandhi
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ISBN : 8170202760
Author : Ahluwalia & Ahluwalia
Pages : 220 pp
Year of Publishing : 1985
Binding : Hardback
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Category: Political Science
There were cassandras galore ‘n the country who questioned the wisdom of the Congress-I, leaders who turned to Rajiv Gandhi to assume the high o held by his mother till she was slain assassins, The secptic drew attention to the relative youth of Rajiv and his lack of political experience. How could he keep the warring sections within the Congress in line? How could be bring peace to Punjab and Assam which had baffled the sustained efforts of his mother Cassandras was proved wrong here. Rajiv stormed the nation by going in for general elections for Lok Sabha. He wanted to rule with a public mandate and he led his party to a massive victory. The line of which had not fallen to the lot of Nehru or M. Gandhi. He now enjoyed the right to give a new direction of State Policies. With confidence, he solved the Punjab problem and Assam Tangle in quick succession. He has also initiated economic reforms aimed at accelerating industrial production and expanding employment opportunities. He is also actively involved in International affairs and is confident of resolving the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. He has also built the base for cordial relations with two super powers. He is now all set to take the nation forward, to prepare it to meet the challenges of the “21st century” Let us hope Rajiv Gandhi will be there at the head of the Government of India when the 21st Century dawns.