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Prapanchasara Tantra
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ISBN : 8177559761
Volumes : Set in 2 Volumes
Author : Arthur Avalon
Pages : 700 pp
Year of Publishing : 2005
Binding : Hardback
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Category: Tantra
A task of no ordinary difficulty, but Mr. Avalon has performed it with remarkable success… His commentaries have elucidated many knotty problems; he has brought to our knowledge an immense store of information of prime importance, which has been so long hidden from us… The Introduction is a masterly dissertation on the subject, and furnishes proof of his familiarity with the subject, the grasp of mind, and facility of treatment which we cannot but admire… he has elucidated to an extent, hitherto unattempted, some of the abstrusest mysticism and obscurities of Tantrik literature. In reading his terse and lucid explanations of the many extremely abstruse points with which Mr. Avalon deals, it is impossible to realise that the writer is dealing with the subject which is quite foreign to the sphere in which he was born. We cannot but repeat an expression of thanks for the valuable service which Mr. Avalon is rendering to Tantrik literature