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Notes on Mohammadanism

Outlines of the Religious Systems of Islam


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ISBN : 9788130712475


Author : T. P. Hughes


Pages : 298 pp


Year of Publishing : 2012


Binding : Hardcover


Publisher : Cosmo Publications

SKU: COSN027 Category:

Contents: Muhammad, Islam, the Rule of Faith, The Quarn, The Traditions, Ijma, Qias, Faith, God, Angels, Prophets, the Day of Judgment, Heaven, Hell, The Decrees of God, The Five Foundations of Practice, the Recital of the Kalima, Prayer, Ramazan, Zakat, Hajj, The Law, Sin, Farz Kafae, Fitrat, Lawful Food, Salutation, The Muhammadan Clergy, Theological Literature, Id-ul-Fitr, Id-u-Zoha, Muharram and Ashura, Shab-Barat, Akhiri Chahar Shamba, Bara-Wafat, Nikah, Janaza, the Khutbah , Faqirs, Zikr, Sufism, The Four Orthodox Sects, the Shiahas, the Wahabis, Jihad, Martyrs, Slavery, Jesus, The Crucifixion, the Holy Trinity, Tahrif. The author presents short essays on each aforementioned topic, straightforward but to-the-point, making it almost a “Book of Islamic Topics List”. A lot of information packed into a short space. A nice handy pocket guidebook for refresher use before a college test. The specific ayats are quoted throughout this book. Interesting for the beginning student of Islam, this book was written before the author published his much-more expansive “Dictionary of Islam.”

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