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Narco Terrorism


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ISBN : 8170206901


Author : Giriraj Shah & R. C. Dikshit


Pages : 248 pp


Year of Publishing : 1995


Binding : Hardcover


Publisher : Cosmo Publications

“Who killed Gen Zia?”—the answer to this question lies enmeshed in a sinister web of international terrorism, drug trafficking, arms smuggling and other inter related nefarious crime networks which are holding the worked to ransom today. Unknown to may of us the stealthy hand off drug related crimes are intruding into our lives, disrupting societies, toppling governments, causing chaos and disaster all around.

The extent to which this deadly network of sinister crimes is tightening its hold on the power resources of the world is frightening and a glance through the pages of this book will be an eye-opener to those readers who are as yet unaware, or only partially aware, on the emerging nexus between international terrorism, drugs and crime. What happens being the scenes in the arena of the international games of power is a story which is both awe-inspiring and gripping.

How the innocuous looking white power is grown, processed, smuggle dand the money laundered? How the deals are made? What are the manor acts of international terrorism accomplished till date? Who are responsible? These are some of the questions-attempted to be answered through this well researched and exciting book.

It will interest the general reader universally because it deals with the most vital aspect of our lives, life itself. The escalation in the scale of violence caused by internationals terrorism is a covert threat to all citizens of the world. To combat it, one must understand it, and there lies the value of this book.

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