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Maria Montessori. Her Life and Work


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ISBN : 9788130706407


Author : E. M. Standing


Pages : 368 pp + 21 Plates


Year of Publishing : 2008


Binding : Hardback


Publisher : Cosmo Publications

With Dr. Maria Montessori there came into the sphere of education a new and vital impulse. There is not a civilized country which has not in some measure felt the impact of her vivifying principles. This was made abundantly clear at the time of her death, in May 1956, when tributes to her lifelong labour on behalf of the child appeared in the press in every part of the world. For more than a quarter of a century Montessori principles have worked like a leaven in almost every country, affecting to a greater or lesser degree the spirit of their educational systems, especially Infant and primary schools. Sixteen years ago Sir Percy Nunn, Director of the London Day training college, wrote: ’It argues no ingratitude to the great name of Froebel and his thousands of devoted followers to connect the new impulse which is everywhere at work in our schools more directly with the doctrine and labours of Dr. Maria Montessori than with any other single source.’

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