Library Primer for High Schools
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ISBN : 9788130719221
Author : Severance, H. O.
Year of Publishing : 2020
Binding : Hardcover
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Category: Library Science
“The Primer was first issued as a University Bulletin in the Library Series. The demand for the work was so great that the first edition was soon exhausted. The purpose of the Primer is to furnish a guide for teachers who wish to organize high school libraries. It will be found serviceable also to the librarians of small public libraries. The importance of the modern high school library is being stressed by educators at the present time. They are insisting upon the organization, equipment and the efficient administration of such libraries. The committee on accredited schools of the University of Missouri insists upon adequate library facilities as a condition of accrediting high schools. The college library also must reach the standard in size and quality and efficiency before it is given the rank of a Junior College. The present method of teaching the laboratory method presupposes adequate library facilities. In fact, no really good high school is possible without good library facilities.”
HENRY O. SEVERANCE, Columbia, Missouri. Librarian.
Chapter I. Parts of a book
Chapter II. Reference Books
Chapter III. Book selection and buying and accessioning
Chapter IV. Classification and cataloging
Chapter V. Preparation of books for the shelves
Chapter VI. Equipment and supplies
Appendix. Abridged classification
Texts Prepared Under the Auspices of the American Library Association (ALA)
Power, R., 11 Volumes; other volumes in the series include:
A Library Primer
Dana, J. C.
A Primer of Library Practice for Junior Assistants
Roebuck & Thorne
Library and Adult Education.
Report of a Study Made by the American Library Association
Library Cataloguing.
Quinn, J. H.
Library Service for Children
Powe, E. L.
Library Technique
Elliot, C. A.
Readings in Library Methods
Arnett & Arnett
The Library and Its Organization
Articles and Addresses
The Library and Society.
Classics of American Librarianship. Reprints of Papers and Addresses
Bostwick, A.E.
The Library Without the Walls.
Reprints of Papers and Address
Edited, Selected and Annotated by
Bostwick, A.E. & Janzow, L.M. 2 Volumes