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Judiciary on Trial

An Evaluation of the Working of our Legal System


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ISBN : 8170206707


Author : Rajesh Talwar


Pages : 148 pp


Year of Publishing : 1998


Binding : Hardbound


Publisher : Cosmo Publications

This book has a great significance in today’s India, where the common man, having been let down by both politicians and administrators alike, is looking more and more towards the judiciary to set matters right and give them their dues as honest citizens. However, the working of the judicial system and its failure to provide speedy and impartial justice has been the subject of much discussion. Despite being directly affected, the ordinary citizen is often unable to appreciate the reasons for the present state of affairs. In this tongue-in-cheek account, the author has descried with great clarity and insight, the current mess the judiciary finds itself in. He has also suggested ways and means by which this crises in the legal system could be tackled. This book is essential reading for policy makers, those connected with the law, and the concerned citizen.

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