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The Socio-Political Institutions of the Jaintia Hills


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ISBN : 8170204305


Author : S. K. Chattopadhyaya


Pages : 212 pp


Year of Publishing : 1988


Binding : Hardbound


Publisher : Cosmo Publications

This book is the result of an exclusive investigation on the Jaintias, on whom no comprehensive work is available, and which remain one of the most fascinating but heither to unresearched groups from the indigenous tribal base. Mr. Chattopadhyay has enjoyed a long and close acquaintance with the Jaintias whose institutions he has undertaken to describe in this book. The book is an attampt to give a systamatic account of the Jaintia people, their social institutions, customs, origins, ethnological affinities, religion, marriage, inheritance economy and political institutions. The author’s long stay in Jaintia Hills and his intimate association with the People there, greatly facilitated indepth study of the subject. This authoratative account will be treasured by sociologists, anthropologists, student of history and comparative religion in particular and all those interested in the indepth study of what is called composit Indian civilization.

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