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Introductions to Philosophy
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ISBN : 9788130706825
Author : Several
Volumes : Set in 15 Volumes
Pages : 4542 pp
Year of Publishing : 2008
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Categories: Modern Philosophy, Philosophy, Reference & Research, Subject Philosophies
Tags: Accurate, Engrossing, Hardbound, Lively Introductions, Philosophy
Introductions to Philosophy series presents a set of engrossing, accurate and lively introductions to all the core areas of philosophy. Each volume is written by a knowledgeable authority of the area in question. Care has been taken to produce works that while even handed are not mere bland expositions and as such, are original pieces of philosophy in their own right. The volumes serve as an essential basis for the courses to which they relate, as well as being accessible and absorbing for the general reader. Together they comprise an indispensable library of living philosophy.
Introductions of Philosophy is designed to be used as a companion to any philosophy course. Each book provides an authoritative treatise of topics commonly taught at the college level, focusing on the major issues that typically arise when studying the subject. Discussions are written in an engaging manner so as to provide students with the core building-blocks of their degree course, as well as provide ready reference books to the teachers and scholars alike.
The books are of a uniformly high quality and many are written by luminaries in their fields.
In order to provide maximum flexibility to the buyers, the volumes are being re-issued individually and as a complete set.