Introduction to Tantra
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ISBN : 9788177551600
Volumes : Set in 2 Volumes
Author : G. Sastri
Pages : 650 pp
Year of Publishing : 2016
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Some years ago, Professor Cowell wrote, “The Tantras from a branch of literature highly esteemed though at present much neglected”.
The Tantra Šàstra, together with its accompanying oral tradition, is the voluminous source of the greater part of the Hindu ritual, Hathayoga, and the various forms of spiritual training which pass under the generic term “Sàdhana.” In fact, both popular and esoteric Hinduism is, in its practical aspects, largely Tàntrik.
Recently an increased interest has been shown in the Hindu beliefs and traditions. Hitherto, however, attention has chiefly directed to those great Vedàntik principles, which, subsumed, to a greater or less degree, in the beliefs and practices of all the Hindu sects are yet, in their conscious realization, the very end only of the highest spiritual effort. Little has been done to present the practical application of those principals in the particular form which they assume in the various divisions, methods, and rituals of the Indian worshippers. This side of practice, though neglected, has both intrinsic value and helps to a clearer and deeper understanding of the general principles. The knowledge of hymn, and legend, of worship and sàdhana, will alone give that full knowledge of the Hindu spirit without which its religious and philosophical conceptions are likely to be but poorly understood. The present development of upàsana (worship) and sàdhana can only be learnt from the Tantra, the Mantra and Sàdhana Šàstra.
The book is designed to guide the reader towards a greater understanding of the secrets, explaining various important and key facets in language simple enough for a general reader to understand the mysteries of Tantra and clear enough for a student to provoke him into further research on the subject.