Indian Women Workers
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ISBN : 9788170202752
Author : R. Sharan
Pages : 325 pp
Year of Publishing : 1984
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
In this book the author set out to explore the question what happens when women come to work ? Normal belief is that a working women is somehow untrue to the higher functions of wife and mother. The recurring theme of this book is to break this belief. Women workers can be good mothers and wives who can be full of aspirations and challenges. Plenty of studies have been carried out during the last decade but most of them have focused their attention only on the role-conflict among working women or the status of women in general. Very few studies have beer) done on the problems and perspectives of working class women. The additional objectives of this book is to draw the attention of social scientists on the problems and perspectives of working class women.
The process of social change has set in to our society and working women can be seen as important gents of gearing social change. The time has come when we should take a stock of the contribution of Indian women workers towards the development and growth task of economic development and social change. How do the women-workers bring about a change in the class-structure model of a society ? This study has tried to give answers to the above questions. It is hoped that the findings of the study relating to the work-participation, socio-economic status, trade-union participation etc. would be of great help to governmental and non-governmental organisations engaged in plans and programmes for the development of the country and to all those who are interested in the area of women’s studies.