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Indian Village Community


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ISBN : 9788170201793


Author : H. B. Baden Powell


Pages : 456 pp


Year of Publishing : 1978


Binding : Hardbound


Publisher : Cosmo Publications

The Indian Village Community is still the pivotal institution in rural Indian Society and a picture is given in this book of the way this institution has developed in its present from the Pre-Aryan times. This work does not confine itself to Aryan but non-Aryan races also and their Customs, Cults, Beliefs, Religious practices alongwith land systems and economy etc., etc. In great details are discussed the Tibeto-Burman, The Kolarian and the Dravidian groups of races and their impact on the Village Community in Particular.
The later part of the book deals with the invading tribes, such as the Aryans, the Indo-Scythic, the Northern Tribes and the invading Turki, Pathans and the Mughals and their effect on the over all development of Indian Village and their integration with the local communities.
The volume as part of the series on studies in Indian History will be found of great interest by the Historians, Sociologists, Anthropologists, as well as all other scholars connected in any way with the growth & development of rural India from times immemorial.

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