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Indian Islands

A Study of Habitat, Economy and Society


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ISBN : 9788170201830


Author : S. T. Das


Pages : 140 pp


Year of Publishing : 1983


Binding : Hardbound


Publisher : Cosmo Publications

A most hospitable and cosmopolitan society, free from the rigidities of caste, creed and religion, Projesting Indian culture-unity in diversity¬is Indian Islands today.
These islands till recently isolated and comparatively unknown have now begun to figure out on the national horizon. It is now accepted that the Islands are a store house of natural wealth, hidden in the sea, land, and coastline.
The Andaman and Nicobar group & Lakshadweep islands by virtue of their strategic and geographical location in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea respectively and its rion and unlimited natural resources, attract and receive great attention alround. Among the tribals in the Andamans, there are tribes like Jarawas, Senti¬neles, Andamanese, Onges and the Shompens. The Sentineles and Jarawas are still confining themselves to remote forest areas. The Nicobarese tribals inhabiting the southern group of islands, are one of the finest people one can come across. The People of Lakshadweep Islands are Moplahs i.e. of mixed Hindu and Arab descent and are Mohammedans. Unlike the Muslims, the women do not observe purdah and the people still invoke Rama before beginning their kolkali or stick dance. For the people living in these islands, the sea is their Highway, over which they have to travel by ship or steamer to reach the Mainland or other neighbouring islands.

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