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History of Urdu Literature


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ISBN : 8129200204


Author : R. B. Saksena


Pages : 379 pp


Year of Publishing : 2001


Binding : Paperback


Publisher : Indigo Books

SKU: COSH120 Categories: ,

The object of this book is to trace in outline the development of Urdu literature from the earliest time to the present day with biographical sketches of writers and critical appreciation of their works with a description of the more important of them. An effort has been made to bring out the relationship between writer and writer and group and group and to trace the rise, growth and decline of schools and movements. Nor has the historical setting in which the poets and writers lived and worked been ignored. The book is not merely a storehouse of facts but stress has also been laid on ideas and tendencies that dominated the age. The main aim of the work has been to supply a text-book on the modern principles, criticism and an interpretation of Urdu literature to English reading public.

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