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Hindu Metaphysics

An Outline


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ISBN : 8170200121


Author : M. N. Shastri


Pages : 314 pp


Year of Publishing : 2002


Binding : Hardbound


Publisher : Cosmo Publications

SKU: COSH053 Categories: ,

It is undoubtedly very difficult for an ordinary student of Indian Philosophy to grasp the true importance of the various problems of existence which the Hindu Rishis have sought to solve in may learned treatise for the edification of the ordinary man, in as much as, these disquisitions are more or less of an abstract nature and intended chiefly for the advanced students of Sanskrit Literature and Hindu Philosophy. Even in Sanskrit Literature, there is not a single volume in which all the important Metaphysical questions have been systematically treated. The author has tried to explain the various important topics relating to Hindu Metaphysics in seventeen chapters, some of which are –
the Divine Bing,
the Theory of Evolution,
God Vision, Yoga or Communion with God,
Mental Discipline,
the Path of Emancipation and
Can Man know God? etc., etc.

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