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Grammar of the Sanskrit Language


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ISBN : 817020206x


Author : Kielhorn, K. L.


Pages : 314 pp


Year of Publishing : 2005


Binding : Hardbound


Publisher : Cosmo Publications

An objection to the study of Sanskrit persisted for a long time on the ground of its difficulty. It is maintained that the grammar alone is itself too intricate to be mastered by men of ordinary ability. The extraordinary time consumed in the mastery of the subject is advanced as another reason, and the little that is learnt is as rapidly forgotten as it was rapidly acquired, only serving to disgust, without leaving behind any solid or permanent advantage. It is with an express view of answering these objections that this compact book was devised. This is an elementary work which rests its claim of adaptation to the wants of beginner It would be enough to say that this present volume is the first really elementary Sanskrit Grammar ever published.

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