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Garland of Letters (VARNAMALA)

Studies in the Mantra-Shastra


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ISBN : 9788130717517


Author : John Woodroffe


Pages : 330 pp


Year of Publishing : 2019


Binding : Hardbound


Publisher : Cosmo Publications

Books written by the Author Sir John Woodroffe can perhaps be called as Classics. One is indebted to him for his study of Tantra Sastra and the scholarly works he produced in English. His Books like “Serpent Power”, “Sakti and Sakta” etc., have helped the readers to gain excellent knowledge on the generally difficult to interpret subject of Tanta Sastra. In line with the other classics the author in the present book has in great detail explained the significance of the Letters in the context of the Tantra knowledge. Thus it becomes a must for the student of Tantra Vidya.

“his books are something like a opened treasure box for me. The secret of a complex science is revealed with a lot of simplicity. Garland of letters is a classic example like his other books”. —Sujin Balakumaran (goodreads)

“Sir John Woodroffe has written several incredible volumes on yoga. Considered a ‘master work’, these books offer an incredible wealth of information. The Garland of Letters is a classic of Kundalini Yoga. This is one of the best books on esoteric yogic practice available. Woodroffe’s insights are profound and startling. I cannot say enough good things about this classic”. — George (goodreads)

“If you are into yoga, mantra, vedas, etc. this book is essential reading. This is an understanding of the philosophy written by Woodroffe. So beautiful and interesting”. — Saj Sajady(goodreads)

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