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Encyclopaedia of Teaching Methods


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ISBN : 817755705x


Volumes : Set in 2 Volumes


Author : Paul Monroe


Pages : 700 pp


Year of Publishing : 2005


Binding : Hardbound


Publisher : Cosmo Publications

This work is developed from the parent book, titled “International Encyclopaedia of Education” which has acquired a legendary status in educational reference arena. The introductions included in the present work are extremely well written and provides students, staff and other interested parties with an overview of the field; it provides a marker on topics in the field and finally it opens many directions for further research which is much needed in the field of teacher education and education methodology. This encyclopedia, like its parent work, provides academics and particularly students with an important and productive way to gain ‘an overview of a specific area of teaching in a relatively short time.’ The organisation of the encyclopedia reflects its great value to readers wishing to have an overview of a topic or specific information related to the area quickly. The conceptual clarity that is provided gives a great foundation for a research program in teacher education. An important reference book for any library concerned with teaching and teacher education. This book brings together extensive information on the issues in teacher education and teaching, offering many interesting ideas about theoretical and practical studies in teacher education, and contributes to the reflection, discussion, and studies in comparative education.

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