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Encyclopaedia of Ethics and Logic
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ISBN : 8170209447
Volumes : Set in 10 Volumes
Author : H. John Piet & Ayodhya Prasad
Pages : 3400 pp
Year of Publishing : 1999
Binding : Hardbound
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Categories: Encyclopaedias, & Major Works, Ethics & Logic, Philosophy
THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF ETHICS AND LOGIC is perhaps the first attempt to present all major issues in a comprehensive collection of detailed articles covering the entire field of study of these two subjects. The Encyclopaedia is a specialist work of investigative and analytical writing of considerable depth that documents the theoretical, methodological and substantive developments in the philosophical study of Ethics and Logic. The field of Ethics, also called moral philosophy, involves systematizing, defending and recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. Philosophers usually divided ethical theories into three subject areas – metaethics, normative ethics and applied ethics. It is a branch of philosophy concerned with conduct and character besides being a systematic study of the principles and methods for distinguishing right from wrong and good from bad. The first part of the Encyclopaedia deals with Ethics and covers History of ethics, Ethical order, Ethics in Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and the ancient world, Greek ethics, Theory of ethics and reason, Intellectualism, Perfectionism, Economic ethics, Theories of objectivity, Religious ethics, Social ethics, Religious traditions, Applied ethics, Business ethics, Moral philosophy, Morality in politics, Environmental issues, Medical and Bio-ethics, Ethical issues relating to health care. Theories of bioethics, Sex ethics, Primitive sexuality, Sexual taboo and depression. Part two of the Encyclopaedia covering Logic includes areas like Formal logic, History and Philosophy of Logic, Perspectives on Metalogic, Philosophy of Mathematics, Theory of deductive systems, Definitions of logic, Validity, Logical forms, Applied logic, Process theories, the Phenomena of meaning and implications, Application of logic, Pure logic, Aesthetics, Language of logic along with all its related areas, Logic and Mathematics including Calculus and Rules for Formula. The Encyclopaedia of Ethics and Logic is recommended reading for students, teachers and academics, researchers and policy makers within the field of Social Science as well as scholars from outside the field. The comprehensive coverage of the Encyclopaedia makes it an essential reading for scholars already well versed in these fields. The first work of its kind the Encyclopaedia of Ethics and Logic is intended to serve as a standard reference source on this diverse subject.