Dictionary of Human Behavior
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ISBN : 9788130701006
Author : P. D. Hugon
Pages : 484 pp
Year of Publishing : 2005
Binding : Hardbound
At last someone had the intelligence, the patience and the sagacity to gather together the scattered facts that explain our mind and motives into one compact and profitable volume. Mr. Hugon’s book is an alphabetical guide to human motives, a dictionary of all the terms in use that refer to human behavior or thought. It does not lean to any field of explanation; impartially and clearly the definitions are given according to psychology or philosophy, theosophy or science. An amazing amount of hitherto loosely presented, sometimes unavailable, facts are covered in one unified scheme. The author says: “To know oneself has ever been the criterion of wisdom; to know others is the criterion of utility. There are few unmixed motives in a complex civilization; each individual has the qualities of his faults and the faults of his qualities. To weigh oneself and others in the balance, a pastime to the idle, is a necessity to thousands whose success depends on such understanding.”
This book is the result of that necessity. Moreover, all of this valuable and useful material is arranged so as to be instantly available.