Current Issues in Education
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ISBN : 8170205735
Author : J. Mohanty
Pages : 358 pp
Year of Publishing : 1992
Binding : Hardbound
Categories: Education, Indian Education, Sociology of Education
This book consists of 35 topics dealing with Current Issues in Education. These topics range from Early Childhood Education or Pre-School Education, University Education, Universalisation of Elementary Education, Vocationalisation of Education, National Education Systems, National Policies on Education, Art and Aesthetic Education, Physical Education, Democratization of Education and Environmental Education. Some new Movements/ trends in Education like Deshooling Education, Life-Long Education, National Literacy Mission, have been discussed and issues of crucial importance have been dealt with in topics like Tribal Education, Education of the Handicapped, Girl’s/Women’s Education and so on. Topics like Educational Technology, Educational Radio and Television and other electronic media, Distance Education and Open School/University have been included in the book. Besides, national as well as international concerns have been discussed under the captions Education for National Integration, Education for International Understanding, Population Education, and Literacy for All, Adult Education and Non-Formal Education. Some relevant issues like Constitutional Provisions for Education, Examination Reforms, Educational Administration and Management, Curriculum Reconstruction, Inservice Education and Teacher Education have been deliberated upon with latest information.