Creative Abundance
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ISBN : 9788129203946
Author : B. Ruggies
Pages : 112 pp
Year of Publishing : 2020
Binding : Paperback
Publisher : Indigo Books
Ten years ago a business friend gave me a typewritten copy of The Twelve Rules for a Successful Career, which Marshall Field had defined. They are simple phrases, brief, direct and dignified. Each one is a self-evident truism. At the same time they constitute a profound philosophy of life.
I set them down herewith as they came to me.
1. The Value of Time.
2. The Success of Perseverance.
3. The Pleasure of Working.
4. The Dignity of Simplicity.
5. The Worth of Character
6. The Power of Kindness.
7. The Influence of Example
8. The Obligation of Duty.
9. The Wisdom of Economy
10. The Virtue of Patience.
11. The Improvement of Talent.
12. The Joy of Originating.
These statements have been in my mind these many years. I have applied them to my own business. Still more, I have gained a deep insight into the psychology of them. Their development and use in the great field of mental science has finally created a well thought out and successfully applied philosophy. So a book based upon these twelve rules has been the inevitable result. In the writing of this book I have purposely avoided all technical terminology. An advanced student of psychology, yet I have seen the wisdom of giving my knowledge in this field as it applies here, in the simple, plain, unvarnished English. A deep student of metaphysics, I have refrained from the particular phraseology of this entrancing field. I am thinking of men and women of all shades of thought and opinion, who should enjoy and profit by a method of everyday living which has opened up immeasurable satisfaction to me. In the new phrasing which I have given these statements, in the twelve chapters of the book, I have modernized the expression. Also the titles tend to suggest to the reader the far-reaching wisdom, the depth of philosophy which those original terms have in them. In calling this book Creative Abundance, I have named it according to the way the personal application of these twelve keys has opened up the doors of opportunity, of ability, and of plenty. In perusing the chapters of this book, I beg the reader to constantly realize that he is reading, not theory, but practical and successful application. If each one who studies the book will also master the principles set forth, in his own life and expression of himself, I promise that he, too, will realize that these chapters are indeed The Psychology of Ability and Plenty.
The Author.
1. The Time Element. It’s Psychology.
2. Successful Plodding
3. Peptomism. What it is and how to have it.
4. Specialism. A coined word and what it will coin for you.
5. Your Biggest Asset. How to figure in yourself.
6. Personal Magnetism. The one way to develop it.
7. Unconscious Influence Page. A study in telepathy.
8. Duty-Plus. A clue to self-mastery.
9. Unearned Increment. The surplus from a Divine use of what you have.
10. Velvet Souls. The expression of a successful serenity.
11. Hidden Energies. How to tap your talents.
12. The Secret of Originality. The Magic Key to Ability and Plenty.