Control of the Social Mind
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ISBN : 9788130713755
Author : A. D. Weeks
Pages : 280 pp
Year of Publishing : 2020
Binding : Hardbound
The Control of the Social Mind was initially published as part of the “The Conduct of Mind Series” edited by Dr. Joseph Jastrow.
“The present volume considers the resources and operations, and the direction of the more public phases of mental behavior. It sets forth the basis of social conduct: what nature supplies for the complex life demanded of the citizen of to-day, and what human effort has done and must continue to do to bring the processes of socialization to a reasonable efficiency. Social psychology has come to occupy the centre of the stage; and much that is written and spoken in its name shows more familiarity with the terminology than with vital activities and their inner nature. Professor Weeks’ treatment is intimate and realistic, almost clinical in the sense that it imparts of social bonds and relations experienced in actual contacts, not formulated in arm-chair principles. Yet it is the special function of the man of science — the psychologist in this instance — to make articulate the knowledge and the wisdom born of the practical life, and give it a local habitation as well as a name in the mental possessions of the responsible reflective man. ‘‘In psychology as in other fields of science there is an advantage in bringing familiar things into vividness by expert analysis and clearer definition.’ This programme is as skillfully executed as it is well conceived.
Professor Weeks has established his position as a director of ideas for popular consumption by his former works upon “The Psychology of Citizenship,” “The Education of To-morrow,” “Social Antagonisms,” etc. He combines in unusual manner the art of the expositor with the appreciation of the attitude and needs of the student. In the present volume he finds a theme congenial to his methods and close to his educational interests. His purpose is that of the series, of which this volume forms a welcome addition, to convey in simple language, yet with the background and authority of well-established principles, the lessons and the spirit of selected phases of modern psychology”.— Excerpt from the Series Editor Dr. Joseph Jastrow’s Introduction
Brief Contents
I. Control through Psychology
II. The Social Mind
III. Response of Mind to Environment
IV. Social Significance of Habit
V. Habit in Ideas — the Concept
VI. The Psychology of Defense
VII. The Basis of Cooperation
VIII. The Psychology of Public Business
IX. Instinctive Tendency as Affecting Social Conditions
X. Constructive Expression of Motives
XI. The Creative Aspect of Play
XII Social Uses of Memory
XIII. The Art of Accuracy
XIV. The Power of Suggestion
XV. Attitude toward the Social Order
XVI. Available Civic Energy