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Collection of Esoteric Writings



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ISBN : 9788129203403


Author : Rajaram Tookaram


Pages : 463 pp


Year of Publishing : 2015


Binding : Paperback


Publisher : Indigo Books

SKU: COSC050 Categories: ,

Sri Tallapragada Subba Row had a very short period of life and yet his contribution to the work of Theosophy, Esoteric and Occult is highly rich and commendable. It not only was interwoven with the Founders of the Movement but too equally with Sir S. Subramania Iyer and Sri Tukaram Tatia who were the principal instruments to bring his writings under covers of print. A Collection of Esoteric Writings was brought out, posthumously, by the Bombay Theosophical Publication Fund, and this underwent two reprints thereafter. Some articles therein were also issued out by different publishing agencies, over the years, as pamphlets and booklets. In his preface to the original edition of Esoteric Writings, Sri Tukaram writes thus:
“Whilst presenting this little volume to the public, we cannot but pay tribute to the memory of one who had done such good service to the cause of Occult Science. Blavatsky used always to consult him whenever there were difficult and intricate problems to be solved. She had at one time sent the manuscripts of her most valuable work “The Secret Doctrine” to him for correction and alteration. Though most of the articles reproduced here are of controversial character, the reader will find them of sterling worth and merit on account of the originality of thought displayed and the able treatment of the various points controverted. And, moreover, they teem with learned and useful suggestions for progress of the students of Occult Science.”

“It wasn’t for nothing that Blavatsky wanted him to edit The Secret Doctrine. He refused because he felt too many Brahman secrets were being revealed in the book. All in all these two volumes should not be lacking from the shelves of the serious student of theosophy”.— Katinka Hesselink

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