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Approach to Teaching
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ISBN : 9788130700166
Author : H. Ward & F. Roscoe
Pages : 218 pp
Year of Publishing : 2005
Binding : Hard Bound
Categories: Education, Educational Research & Methodology, Philosophy of Education, Psychology of Education, Teacher Education & Training, Teaching Methodology
This book, as the name suggest, is intended for the young teacher, the beginner, and to serve as an introduction to longer and much bulkier treatises. The principle running through the book is that the teacher makes his own method with advice from this text. Advice and not prescription is the purpose of this book. The book is designed to help the teacher concentrate his attention upon acquiring craftsmanship in teaching, which implies a great deal more than technique. To give him tools and impart the skill to handle them well with economy of effort. Young teachers will find in this book means to construct their own philosophy of education. The careful study of this treatise shall be found to be quite useful, not only because it will help improve teacher’s efficiency, but also because it helps in making the work of teaching interesting, tempering the dullness of inevitable routine with the spirit of adventure.