Pallava Architecture
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ISBN : 8170200911
Volumes : Set in 3 Volumes
Author : A. H. Longhurst
Pages : 600 pp; ilustrations
Year of Publishing : 1982
Binding : Hardback
Publisher : Cosmo Publications
Categories: Art, Architecture & Antiquities, Arts of India, Asian Architecture
The Pallavas, a great power in Southern India in the sixth and seventh centuries, contributed a great deal to the growth first of Buddhism and then of Hinduism. Their effort and contribution to the glamour of South Indian architecture and sculpture is tremendous and most outstanding.
This work, in three beautiful volumes is a most comprehensive, authentic and scholarly survey of the creative and dominant art of the Pallavas covering vast area of South India. The author very carefully discusses History and Religion of the Pallavas first and then goes on to describe the Architectural character of this particular style. The author has detailed the architectural styles of `Ialavanur’, `Trichinopoly’, Vallam’, Bezwada’, `Undavalli’ etc. etc.
The purpose of this book is both artistic & archaeological. The learned author has not attempted anything like a history of sculpture and architecture in the ordinary sense of the word, but has explained the motives and ideals of Pallava Architecture, as they are.
The book, a scholarly attempt by a master of the subject, has about 275 illustrations to properly explain different facts of PALLAVA ARCHITECTURE. This will be certainly an asset to collectors of Indian art and a reference tool to the students and scholars of Indian History, Architecture, Sculpture and Archaeology.