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Hidden Power

Inner Truth Of The Secret Mind


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ISBN : 8129202468


Author : Thomas Toward


Pages : 182 pp


Year of Publishing : 2008


Binding : Paperback


Publisher : Indigo Books

The Hidden Power, authored by Thomas Troward, includes many of his important writings from the New Thought movement of the early 20th century. In one of his most important essays ever published, The Hidden Power, Troward seeks to teach readers how to define and find truth in their lives; and how to read symbols that are present in our daily lives. He explains, in plain language how to recognize the inner side of things, and the mind’s ability to only look at the outer but superficial side of things. As long as this is not understood it is impossible for a man to grasp the import of his own relation to the universe, and the resultant inability to attain to the higher goals in life. Other important essays include The Perversion of Truth, The Principle of Guidance, Entering into the Spirit of It and What is Higher Thought?. This is an excellent compilation for those who are interested in key writings from the New Thought movement and also those who are fans of the works by Thomas Troward.

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