Submission Guidelines for Cosmo Publications
These guidelines are for prospective authors who have made initial contact with the editor and gained approval to submit the proposal. Cosmo does not invite unsolicited proposals or manuscripts.
A proposal which includes the following elements will enable our editors to best determine whether your proposed book is suitable for our publishing program.
- Include a brief description of the book in which you explain the main purpose, thesis, and general plan of the book.
- Please specify the details of your finished book, including the expected number of pages, the number and type of illustrations, and your planned completion date.
- Include a sample chapter (preferably an introductory chapter).
- Include a proposed table of contents with a brief paragraph describing each chapter.
- Please discuss the intended audience for you book. Is it written primarily for scholars (if so, what disciplines), professionals (if so, which fields), students (if so, what level)? Please be as specific and realistic as possible and remember few, if any, books appeal to all of the above simultaneously.
- List a few specific libraries, colleges, university departments, journals, and/or relevant organizations and societies, you think this book would most appeal to.
- List any courses (including the level) for which this book would be relevant. Where possible, please state specific universities, courses, and professors who may adopt the book and why.
- List three key selling points for your book
- List three or four similar titles (include author, title, publisher, publication date, price, and length).
- How is your book like, or unlike, these other books?
Other Relevant Information:
- Please provide us with a brief biography of yourself (and any co-authors) as well as a copy of your c.v. or resume.
- List three to five people who would make qualified reviewers for the manuscript (preferably individuals whom you do not know personally). Be sure to include affiliations. Though we do not always use these suggestions, they help give us an idea of where you think your ideas fit into current debates.
- If this book will be an edited collection, please include a short biography (including current institution and recent publications) for each of these contributors. Also note which contributors have made a commitment to the project and/or completed their contribution.
- Finally, please tell us whether or not your proposal has been submitted to other publishers and, if so, to whom.
Mail Address:
Cosmo Publications
Editorial Department
4808/24-B, Ansari Road,
Darya Ganj,
New Delhi 110 002, INDIA
As Cosmo is not responsible for any materials submitted for consideration, please do not send valuable originals. Please do not telephone concerning the status of your proposal.